SuperDee's House

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Presenting Mrs. Jennifer Gadiel... Doesn't she look absolutely stunning in this photo? Yes, Andy and Jen are now spouses and the wedding, which took place on Sunday, September 18, 2005 at The Holly Farm in Carmel, California, was nothing short of spectacular. Multiple "sit-ins" over the weekend by Andy Gadiel himself; the first on "Freedom" with Tea Leaf Green during the rehearsal dinner/party on Saturday night and the second on "Barbeque" with ALO during the wedding reception on Sunday evening. The whole weekend was extremely happy vibes and an enchanted, magical spirit was floating aimlessly around making everyone feel just splendid. Mazel tov to the happy couple who are now enjoying much deserved R&R in the lovely Mayan Riviera. Posted by Picasa