SuperDee's House

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Feeling Somewhat Un-Bloggy and Only Slightly Foggy or Groggy

Hello my lovelies out there in the blogosphere... I'm sorry I've been neglecting you but I've apparently taken some sort of unintentional hiatus from posting my life on the internet. Fear not, I've been amusing myself and others. Since Harry Happened, I jumped on a bit of "wedding tour," turned 32, checked in with our friends Widespread Panic at Radio City, went to my first Pool Party of Summer '07, continued to fuel the fire of my love for Flight of The Conchords, rocked out with my new favorite Russo/Metzger/Hamilton(s) outfit American Babies at The Knit, and finally saw Ween in a park in Princeton, NJ at a teeny tiny amphitheater with 200 people. Here's a few sights from last night:

Summer's only halfway through... Stay tuned...


Blogger Scott Bernstein said...

Last night must have been amazing.

"Summer's only halfway through... Stay tuned..."


2:59 PM  

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